Thursday, September 2, 2010

Should we change the way we teach younger students about the history of the United States?

   Yes, why sugar coat things? the youth need to know as well as anyone. Children should not be running around with feather headbands or with big hats and buckles on there shoes on thanksgiving when it is pacifically incorrect. The native Americans weren't all peace loving people lots of tribes were actually more brutal than you or i wish to see or imagine, they should get the gist of that at least. They should know what a conquistador is before coming to high school and the truth of it all. Some of the Spanish explores did not just spread diseases to native Americas who they came into contact with, some of them murdered a good percentage of them (the natives that weren't defensive or extremely brutal towards the Spaniards or towards enemy tribes). I just do not understand the point of being dishonest about something so important or to edit history. History is a vital part of who we are and what shaped us beside our surroundings. The younger students probably should not get the blood and guts story that should be detailed later, still they should get the message and the truth. For example The whole pilgrims landed on Plymouth rock...that's just wrong, to edit it into the truth, into that is mind boggling to me. Little children learning lies is not the right thing to do I'm sure of it. I'm also pretty sure that society possible would be different if we knew the things hidden from us. What I do understand is the united states is way more concerned with not making them selves look bad then ever telling the truth first.

Just think about it

   In my opinion yes history matters, it very much does.There is such a high level of importance to what events, people, and things that have occurred for whatever reason that has impacted us today and will still have that same impact in the future. Simply because, how are we suppose to understand where we stand in the present and future if we don't know where we have been in the past or even what we have done. If your about my age and in high school you are probably thinking right now, "what does something that has happened hundreds or thousands of years ago have to do with me? those things don't effect me at all." Well sorry to break it to you but historic events have a lot to do with you, and those "things" have effected your life in ways you would not even pounder about, even if you got hit in the head with a history book. 

   If Lincoln was not president who knows we might still being playing the slave game, and i know there are plenty of minority's out there that would not be happy right now. What if there were never any conquistadors, you know the Spanish explorers who found different parts of the world, those Mayans and native Americans, many of them might even still be alive. I'm not saying there all dead but most are from diseases and pure murder those explorers exposed to them. Who knows some people may even think the world is still flat or not even know about the planets that are out there. We would have never known to research the universe and stars if it weren't for those gutsy people like Galileo Galilei who invented the telescope (or some people believed it was Hans Lipperhey).

    Just imagine if those people did not take those risks of being different or even just trying something new. We might not have many of the things we have today, i'm not just speaking technology i am also referring to plenty of privileges we have today that were unheard of back in the day. Just think about it, history matters.